Tag Archives: Simon Parker

Running dictation – a poetry scavenger hunt

This activity from Simon Parker of Sharing One Language challenges students to find the lines of a poem scattered around their school and organize them in the correct order.

Describe an image, draw the image

This simple game brought to you by Simon Parker of Sharing One Language asks one student to describe an image while another draws what they hear, practicing both listening and speaking. 

Repeat After Me: I’m a tree standing tall

Start your class off with some energetic song and dance with this activity from Simon Parker of Sharing One Language.

Name/Vocabulary Grid-matching Race

This is a vocabulary recall game from Simon Parker of Sharing One Language. The teacher creates a chart categorized by the letters from a student’s name and vocabulary sets (such as “Countries” or “Animals”). The students then have to race to fill out the chart!

That’s Me!

This is an adaptable game from Simon Parker of Sharing One Language that allows students to internalize the meanings of sentences by identifying whether or not the sentences describe themselves. Can be used to practice any number of grammar forms.

Continue the story

This is a game from Simon Parker of Sharing One Language for practicing writing and creative story telling. You give the students the beginning of a story (for example, “I was walking down the street when…”) and ask them to complete the sentence. Then they pass their papers to the student to their left who continues […]

My neighbor’s cat is a ____ cat

This is a fun little game from Simon Parker of Sharing One Language for helping students practice adjectives. Students must select an adjective for each letter of the alphabet to describe the imaginary cat next door.