Tag Archives: November

Native American Video Lesson

This lesson is brought to you by A. Valente of PC Romania to share some American history with more advanced students. This lesson specifically touches on Native American history for the month of November. Students will watch two videos, answer questions and discuss.

Debates and expressing opinions

This lesson plan was brought to you by Romania’s Multicultural Awareness Committee (MAC) to help students understand the importance that opinions have when it comes time to vote in an election. In this lesson, students will learn debate vocabulary (debate, resolution, affirmative, negative and rebuttal) and “I think/believe that,” “because” and “since.”

Native American Heritage Month

With November being Native American Heritage Month, what better time to share a bit of culture to our students while teaching about themes and motifs in art and literature. With this lesson, students will compare their culture with that of another group of people through images and storytelling.