Submit a lesson

Help us build this site and constantly make it better. We’re always accepting new activities and lesson plans to post on our site. We prefer English Education/TEFL lessons from Peace Corps volunteers, but we’re not the type to turn our nose up at someone else.

Send us the goods in an email to teachlikeapcv (at symbol) gmail (dot) com.

For simpler activity ideas or site feedback, you can fill out the form below.

We will accept:

  • activity ideas typed in an email or a .doc file.
  • curricula in .doc or .pdf files.
  • full lesson plans organized in the 4mat style (Warm up, Presentation, Practice, and Application) written either in an email or in a .doc file.
  • presentations in .ppt Powerpoint files.
  • flash cards in .ppt or .pdf files.
  • textbooks in .doc or .pdf files.
  • worksheets in .doc or .pdf files.

We will reject:

  • copyrighted works which are clearly not okay to post on the Internet.
  • poorly written or simply bad ideas.

We will be annoyed if you send us:

  • .docx, .pptx, or .xlsx files, as we will have to convert them to their x-less equivalent to make them accessible to everyone.

All original content we publish is released on a Creative Commons Attribution + Share Alike licence, meaning that anyone can distribute the material and modify it, so long as there is attribution back to us. We seek to do the same, as much as we can. If your ideas are from someone else, let us know.

We reserve the right to edit the text you sent us for clarity, grammar, or for any reason that proves necessary.