Category Curriculums

The Kindergarten Project

We are proud to present The Kindergarten Project! In one simple 1.57 GB zip file, you will find an entire school year’s TEFL curriculum for kindergartners, featuring games, activities, coloring pages, songs, and even videos demonstrating the lessons themselves. This curriculum was developed by Peace Corps Volunteers teaching English in Romania from 2011-2013.  The curriculum […]

Lesson Planning Manual

From Romania PCV Karen Lindquist, this manual is a basic guide to writing or improving your lesson plans. It also includes many lesson plans, theme units and other resources for your classroom. Download this resource

Drama Class Handbook

Encourage your students’ love of theatrics through this instructional drama club handbook.

Environmental Education through English Lesson Plans

This series of lesson plans teaches basic environmental concepts and issues while teaching English. The 9 lesson curriculum begins with the more basic environmental concepts, then presents major environmental issues, and finally focuses on specific topics, such as the water cycle, air pollution, and littering.

Community Service Volunteerism Curriculum

Community Service Projects can be incorporated into the teaching curriculum of TEFL Peace Corps Volunteers for up to two academic school years.

American Geography Complete Semester Curriculum

This is a plug and play document designed to help you teach your students about American geography.

Designing Lessons

From Romania PCV Karen Lindquist, this is a guide for making 4Mat lesson plans along with common syllabi for Peace Corps volunteers and sample lesson plans.

Teaching Young Beginning Learners

This booklet is a compilation of poems, units and activities (and some advice) useful for young beginning learners ranging from 1st grade to 7th. Written by Romania PCV Kate Jacobs.

Elementary English Curriculum – Teacher’s Manual

Created by Peace Corps Uzbekistan, this manual contains enough lesson plans and activities for four years. It’s meant for primary-level students, grades 1-4, but the material can be adapted for any beginner-level student.