WH-Questions and Simple Present Tense Practice

The communicative approach to language learning is prioritized in Ecuador, and, therefore, we try to promote classroom speaking practice with our counterpart local teachers and their students. Our students don’t have many opportunities to interact with English visitors, even in the largest cities of Cuenca and Quito, so it’s important for PC TEFL volunteers to provide practice at school. In Cuenca, the US Department of State supports the Abraham Lincoln Center, which offers English classes to local students and houses English books for their use. This post’s worksheets were adapted from the center’s materials.

This post has two worksheets: one lists WH-questions, which are useful questions for students to master; the second summarizes the simple present tense spelling rules for third person singular. These worksheets complement each other and can be used for initial presentation, review, group work, or testing.

Wh-Question Practice (doc) Download this resource


  1. What color are your eyes?
  2. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  3. Where do you go to school?
  4. How do you feel today?
  5. Who is your favorite singer?
  6. When do you go to the mall?
  7. How often does your brother study?
  8. What is your mother’s full name?
  9. Does your neighbor have any pets?
  10. Why do you study English?
  11. Who is your favorite teacher?
  12. Who fixes things that break at home?
  13. Do you go out on weekends?
  14. What’s your favorite season?
  15. Does your mom miss you when you go on vacation without her?
  16. What countries does your sister want to visit?
  17. What country are your grandparents from?
  18. What’s your favorite food?
  19. Where do you like to go on Saturdays?
  20. What does your family do on Sunday mornings?
  21. What’s your favorite season?
  22. How long is your English class?
  23. What’s your favorite day of the week?
  24. Who lives in your home?
  25. How often do you use a computer?
  26. Is your country big or small?
  27. Are you patient with children?
  28. Does your best friend live near you?
  29. What time does your bus come for school?
  30. Is there a microwave in your kitchen?
  31. Are you hardworking or a little lazy?
  32. What’s your house like?
  33. How does your grandfather spell his first name?
  34. Does your best friend prefer to swim or to play soccer?
  35. What’s the favorite sport in your country?
  36. Where does your sister leave her backpack?
  37. Where does your brother hang his clothes?
  38. When does your father go to work?
  39. When does your family eat out?


Simple Present Tense
Spelling for the third person singular (he, she, it) (doc) Download this resource

Adding -s, -es, -ies 

Normally, we add –s for the verbs in the simple present tense:

  • He never eats breakfast.
  • It almost never rains here.
  • The match starts at 7 o’clock.
  • He sometimes visits me.
  • He usually tells lies.
  • My son feels sick every morning.
  • My dad shaves every morning.
  • My father hardly ever smokes.

However, there are some rules and exceptions for spelling such as:

  1. a) When a verb ends with one of these letter(s) —-ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z— we add –es to the end of the verb.


assesses, blesses, caresses, fusses,
splashes, stashes, washes, wishes
catches, teaches, touches, watches
buzzes, fizzes
relaxes, fixes,

Example sentences:

  • She brushes her teeth three times a day.
  • Your phone buzzes.
  • Mary wishes that she was rich.
  • It relaxes me.
  • Tom teaches English.
  • She misses you a lot.
  1. b) When a verb ends with a consonant + y, we take out y and add –ies to the end of the verb. (Examples of consonants: b, s, t, w, x, l, m, n, p)

fly / flies; cry / cries; study / studies
apply / applies; bury / buries;
carry / carr
ies; copy / copies;
dry / dr
ies; fly / flies; fry / fries;

Example Sentences:

  • She studies her lessons every night.
  • He never dries his hair after a shower.
  • He tries to earn money.

However, when a verb ends with a vowel + y, we only add –s to the end of the verb. (The vowels are: a, e, i, o, and u.)

pay / pays; buy / buys

enjoy / enjoysplay / plays

Example Sentences:

  • She never plays tennis.
  • Sally enjoys dancing.

Some Irregular verbs:

go – goes
do – does
have -has

Example Sentences:

  • Sometimes she goes to work on foot.
  • She hardly ever does her homework.
  • Tom has a lot of money.