How Often Do You…?

This post has instructions for a game that gives students practice asking questions using “How often do you…?” do a particular activity and answering the questions using adverbs of frequency.

Objective: SWBAT ask and answer how often questions and use frequency adverbs.

Time: Variable

Materials (pdf): How-often cards Download this resource  Frequency-adverb cards Download this resource

Procedure for playing the game:

  1. Copy and cut out the how-often cards and the frequency-adverb cards. You will need a copy for each group in class.
  2. Divide your class into groups of 4 to 6 students.
  3. Give each group copies of the cards, which will be placed faced down on the table in the middle of the group.
  4. Students take turns picking a card and then asking another student in the group how often he or she does that activity. The student answers with an appropriate adverb of frequency. The activity continues with the next student in the group.
  5. Set a time limit for the game.
  6. Groups win one point for each correct answer.
  7. The group that scores the most points is the winner.

Using the frequency adverbs cards:

Each group is also given a set of frequency-adverbs cards, which are also face down on the table. Now, instead of asking a question, the student makes a statement using the particular frequency adverb, for example, I often play chess. The group wins a point for each correct use of a frequency adverb in a full sentence.

Teachers can also use the cards and procedure to ask students to write sentences or read aloud.