What is in the room?

Learn the English words for furniture and different rooms in the house. Also, it can be used to learn directions

Objective: Learn the English words for furniture and different rooms in the house. Also, it can be used to learn directions.

Material requirements:  Larger pictures of furniture (from magazines or draw them yourself) and the corresponding vocabulary words to display in front of the class. Drawings of a room and either small pictures or drawing of the furniture for each student or pairs of students (they can always draw their own). Depending on the grade level, you can label the room with doors, windows, left right, front and back. Crayons, and glue/tape.

First, teach the kids the vocabulary words using the pictures.

After this split the class in to teams and give them a picture of the room and drawings or pictures of the furniture. Then write sentence on the board telling the students to put the pieces of furniture in the room. Tell the students that the first team to get the right furniture in the room gets a point.

I started with asking my students what furniture goes in different rooms and then moved on to asking them to place certain pieced in different places on the board. They then designed their own rooms.
